Why are you shooting at paper targets?
They don’t shoot back, pose any threat, and even if you miss and hit someone else’s target you get to go home with no consequences. Easy peasy…
I can just picture you wondering what the heck I’m talking about. Asking yourself, “What else am I supposed to do? How else Am I supposed To Practice?”
When I am at the range, and it’s often, I only see and hear two types of shooters. Slow and rapid. Nothing else! Sometimes I see someone doing it with one hand…
I never, and I mean NEVER, see anyone do anything else. No emergency reloads. No malfunction clearings. No unsighted fire. No drills of any kind. No timer beeps going off. Nothing but bang bang bang.
If all you want is some stress relief and a fun distraction, stop here and move on with your day, but if you own and/or carry a firearm for self defense it’s time to think outside the box and have a plan when you go to the range. A plan that will better prepare you to dominate a violent attack. An attack that will come unannounced, by violent people who will likely carry deadly weapons, be moving fast at you, and not give harming you and your loved ones a second thought to get what they want. The way you’ll fight back is the way you trained up to that point. So, if bang bang bang is all you got…it’s just not enough.
It’s time for next level education and training and that begins with a predetermined plan of action designed to accomplish a desired goal.
If having the skills required to protect yourself and your loved ones from a violent attack effectively matters to you, and you’re humble enough to admit I’m right, then you must step up your game and call a certified instructor who has a predefined roadmap to help you accomplish your desired goal.
When choosing an instructor, make sure to have them outline the plan they have to get you from where you’re at now to where you want to reach. If your and your loved ones’ sfaety and security truly is “priceless”, as most people say but don’t follow thru on, than make the investment and do it right. Because the alternative is wondering for the rest of your life why you didn’t do something when you still had the chance.
Train Hard, Often, and SAFELY!
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