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A McDonald's Unhappy Meal

An Unhappy Meal At McDonald's?

August 12, 20233 min read

I can’t tell you the number of times I picked some food at the McD drive thru after a long day. I was tired and hungry and couldn’t wait till I got home to eat. So, I’d park in their parking lot, listening to music and eating my fish filet and fries. Finally, some peace and quiet and some food. I bet many of you can relate.

Well, it wasn’t to be for, Carlos, a FL man, just a few months ago. He, too, was hoping for a little peace and food at the end of a long day. Just like many of us do, he went to the drive-thru, ordered a meal and parked in a quiet corner of the parking lot. Carlos rolled down his window, turned on the music, and dove into his meal.

Without warning, a 36-year-old man approached Carlos’ car and launched a surprise attack on him as he was eating. He began punching Carlos violently with such rage as if it was personal. Carlos, startled and confused, had no idea what was happening and why, and he wasn’t about to wait for worse to happen. He pulled out his concealed firearm and shot the attacker who fell to the ground wounded. The threat was over.

Was his action justified?

Under the Florida Castle Doctrine and Stand Your Ground laws, your right to self-defense extends to an occupied vehicle. I will only refer to this incident to demonstrate that.

The victim was inside his vehicle. That fulfills the requirement of occupied. He was minding his own business. He was not committing a crime, except perhaps a nutritional one, and he had a right to be at that location.

He was attacked unprovoked. It is reasonable to believe that he did not at that moment know if the attacker had a deadly weapon he might use, and he may be killed.

Based on this limited information, I believe his actions were justified and prove yet again the importance of carrying 100% of the time you’re legally allowed to, and more importantly, being well trained to use your firearm safely, responsibly and lawfully.

I said it many times, and I’ll keep saying it…

You will not be notified in advance of an attack. So, saying that you will carry when you think you’ll need it is wishful thinking. I say that because if and when an attack occurs, you’ll be thinking, “I wish I carried today and was well trained to use it.”

Incidents like this happen daily. Lawful gun owners and Concealed Carry Permit holders defend themselves and others because they were ready and trained. Unfortunately, just as many incidents occur because Permit holders chose not to carry that day because they “didn’t need it” and instead of saving themselves and others from a random attack or mass shooting, could do nothing but run or become victims themselves.

If you are not confident in your ability to carry in public because you’re not trained, I get it. But if you are trained, and have the confidence to carry, then I encourage you to carry 100% of the time you’re legally allowed. Because what happened to Carlos could happen to any of us anytime and anywhere. If and when it does, how will your story end?

Train Hard, Often, and SAFELY!

mcdonaldsviolent attackself defenseflorida concealed carry lawflorida castle doctrineflorida stand your groundfirearm training
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Joe Yagar

Joe Yagar is a NRA Certified Instructor in the Bradenton-Sarasota area.

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