
Tips, Training and News From Executive Gun

A man looking inquisitive and unsure

An Expense Or An Investment?

August 05, 20232 min read

Have you ever been in a situation when you thought, "I wish I would have done this sooner?"

I know... life happens, and there is always something else that is more important to do or pay for.  Until that "thing" you kept pushing down the priority list is the one thing you wish you hadn't.  Like the retirement plan, you keep pushing off because driving a BMW is more important.  Or not showing up to your kid's recital because staying late at work and making more money is more important.  Or perhaps when you became a victim of a violent crime and wished at that moment, you would have taken those Karate or firearm classes you were planning to take. 

Can you relate?  I certainly can. 

2020 riots showing burning buildings and cars

The most common reason I hear from students for learning to become safe and responsible gun owners is that they don't feel particularly safe these days.  They want to protect themselves and their families.  When I ask them how long they've been thinking about doing it, most say for years.  Why?  For the very reasons I just mentioned.  2020 changed all that.  Safety isn't as black and white anymore.

I was no different.  I didn't think I'd need a gun.  I didn't think I'd become a victim, let alone twice.  I always had something more important to do or pay for.  I didn't need the extra expense. 

Now, as an instructor who knows what it's like  to be a victim, I am passionate about the mission of educating and training students to become safe, responsible, and confident gun owners so that they have an opportunity to protect themselves and their loved ones should they have to. 

The police will not just pop up like a genie when violence comes knocking.  They'll do their best, but in the minutes they hustle to get to you, you're on your own.  And if learning to use a gun was one of those "things" you postponed, it's at that moment that you'll wish you hadn't. 

a cartoon showing man saying he has no time, but his shadow shows he is lying

What will you tell your loved ones?  That you didn't have time?  That you didn't have money?  That their safety wasn't at risk, and it will never happen?

Learning life-saving skills like martial arts, swimming, and the safe and lawful use of a firearm are investments in your and your loved ones' safety; not an expense to be postponed.  If and when you need any of these, it's too late to learn or figure it out.  The consequences, however, may cost a whole lot more than the expense you think you save. 

Yes!  You could watch YouTube videos.  Yes!  You could look for the cheapest class.  Yes!  You could try to figure it out on your own.  Yes!  You'll save money.  And...

you'll get what you pay for. 

Train Hard, Often, and SAFELY!

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expense or investmentfirearm trainingsheepdogprotectorgun ownersafe and responsibleflorida concealed carry class
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Joe Yagar

Joe Yagar is a NRA Certified Instructor in the Bradenton-Sarasota area.

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